Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We're really doing it Harry

We are officially moved into our new home in South Minneapolis. We are stepping out into the great unknown of community living and hopeful to glean perspective and self-less attitudes. Our new roommates include Dave and Lea Berg (the townhomeowners), Jake, Lizzie and Nash Ladd, and dogs Bama and Emery. So far we are comfortable and have most of our things organized and put away. Some people are confused and don't really understand why we would want to live in community. This is our chance to simplify. To gain insight from other married couples who are at different places than we are. To share life with people everyday. To understand something greater than what is the Lien's house, the Lien's food, the Lien's bathroom. I can't wait to see what this fall will bring.-H

1 comment:

  1. i hope that it's everything you want it to be. i like the words you chose when describing your purpose and your intentions for what you are doing. i think your motives are honorable and i think God will teach you a lot in the next few months, or however long you guys end up staying. have a great time. a fun time. and don't forget about all of us that don't see you everyday! :)
