Thursday, May 13, 2010

a message from my wife..

Hope was kind enough (no surprise) to help me clean up my desk area at work one evening last year when I was swamped and working late. She put up this poster board in my cubicle that had a variety of different words that could be rearranged to make different phrases. I did not think at the time that the starting phrase was ultra-intentional or anything, I just thought that she threw it together.
I have, at times, glanced over at the board and thought about putting some new words up to make a new phrase, but the original one has really grown on me; so there it remains. In fact, it has been so long now, that the board itself has worn in the areas where there are not pieces of paper with words on them, and the words that she originally placed on the board have created an outline for themselves so as to never be replaced by any others. Here then, is the infamous phrase; and may it always remind me of my beloved wife and her kindness, as well as daily assist me in the work that I do:
"I find it
funny we laugh
and play when
some live hurt
try to bring
them help together"
thanks babe,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Help others. Help yourself.

I just read part of an article that discussed how studies show that helping others, or volunteering, can benefit your life. Isn't it funny that people concerned more about their own health and happiness are actually less healthy and less happy than those who work toward bringing health and happiness to others; with no intentions of personal gain. One particular study found that helping others can decrease chronic pain and depression, while giving you a greater sense of purpose and well-being. Man, what are we waiting for! Think about it: you help others; you feel better, and spreading the example around just might result in you being on the receiving end of the help one day.
What is there to lose? Here are some of my ideas about what you could possibly lose: your selfishness, your pride, your pain, your loneliness, your sadness, your depression, your hopelessness, and your feelings of worthlessness, among others. Just give it a try. And it works best if you expect nothing in return. It might feel as good to you as when someone else helps you expecting nothing in return.
I mainly wrote this blog as a reminder for myself.
peace and love,