Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life Lately.

So-- haven't written a blog in a while. Just wanted to give everyone a short update about what we have been doing lately. Since getting back from our trip, we are still living in community with our close friends in Minneapolis. We still enjoy our tight quarters and the relationships we have here. This summer we are a part of a "Community Supported Agriculture" share, in which we will be getting produce from a local farm every week (two whole boxes of produce, to be specific!). And, to make it even better, we will be taking turns going up to the farm to harvest and box the produce for others in the co-op, and in exchange we will get our boxes for free! It should be a good bonding experience!

Zach has decided to start grad-school in the fall at Bethel Seminary. He will be studying to get his marriage and family therapy license-- which he will use to professionally council people someday and maybe even have a private practice. This summer he is back at Cornerstone, and hanging out with lots of kids for summer activities.  I have been helping a family with triplets who are 6 months old. It is a lot of fun, and a lot of work too. But mostly fun!! They are flexible so that I can also go to births for my doula certification. For those of you who do not know, a doula is someone who assists a woman in childbirth-- someone who serves her and gets her whatever she needs and advocates for her to have the kind of birth that she really wants. And no, I do not deliver the baby. That is the job of the doctor or midwife. So far, I have been to 3 births... the moms all did it naturally and they did a great job!

When Zach starts school this fall, we will be moving on campus at Bethel to the family housing. We think it will be fun to have an apartment to ourselves and also be in a new community of people.

We planted a garden this spring. We are growing beets, corn, kale, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, beans, and carrots. We hope that things will grow since this is the first time we have done something like this by ourselves. It helps that our roommate Lea is very garden savvy. Hopefully she will help us out!

I think that is the major stuff. Life is good. I am thankful for that!!
